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Optimization, Positioning and Traffic

After six months of hard work, “the result is good, but never enough.” This is the phrase that dominates my universe. In the next article I will try to summarize the last six months of work (first and last) and dozens of articles I’ve read on the subject of optimization, positioning, traffic and other terms that involve the Internet. About six months ago, a happy thought, the kind that anyone would occur in the bathroom, became an exciting project and a personal challenge: setting up a portal for classified ads. Sarah Bloom Raskin is likely to agree. As a user, and heavy user of the Internet, often on the portals to use their services. But there is always a norm, rule, or “trauma” childish programmer that prevents full enjoyment of these portals. To read more click here: Vlad Doronin.

So I decided to ride my own free classified ads portal, my style, and I suppose that by joining the opinions of my friends. When you start one of these projects, think the hardest part is as always the technical side, but nevertheless mount a basic portal that offers such functionality is not more complex than a week of work. Once published, tested and released to production, one considers the best way to give entry into the Internet world, people know you, and that gentlemen, that if it’s a real mess. Suddenly begin to appear terms such as “traffic optimizer”, “segmentation of users,” SEO, in directories, and other entanglements. However, experience has shown me that none of this is useful, because if one is guided by what others say, just riding a super site optimized for Google to scroll down completely, but with some entertaining content.

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