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Corgi Pembroke

Welsch Corgi – a breed of dog, which became known as early as the tenth century, it became home to Wales, where she became one of the first shepherd dogs. The basis for the removal of this species, probably served as a Swedish valhund (Vestgotashpits) or Icelandic dog. According to one legend, the puppies were given to people from the elves who have this breed of dogs used as sled. Since then, all Corgis on the back left mark in the form of a saddle. If you look closely – this picture is indeed present in Pembroke. The most famous Pembrokes received due to the fact that this particular breed of puppies in 1933, the Duke of York (later King George VI) gave their daughters Elizabeth (now – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) and Margaret Rose. Appearance.

Welsch Corgi – a rather small increase in dog about a foot and weighing up to fourteen pounds. There are two main type velsh Corgi: Pembroke and Cardigan, which are quite serious differences between them. For example, the Pembroke is slightly smaller than the second type – Cardigan, as they have very different head shapes. Pembroke very good themselves. The bright, golden color coat, white markings on the muzzle, chest and legs, no tail shows at its best curvy pants. Proud Wareh neck, clean lines head like a fox. At Pembroke muzzle more like a fox: by contrasting stroke mouth, you can often hear that Pembrokes "smile." Brown eyes look at the world with amazing intelligent and friendly expression. Vlad Doronin will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

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